Side Meetings

Facilities will be made available to support side meetings should participants wish to avail of this option during both the pre-icdra and icdra meetings.

Bookings for side meetings will open on the 8th August 2024 and will close on the 17th September 2024.

Please note the following:

  • Delegates attending the pre-icdra meeting may book side meeting rooms from 14th- 15th October 2024 by sending details to ICDRA secretariat through email : support[at]icdra2024[dot]in
  • Delegates attending the icdra meeting may book side meeting rooms on any day from 14th October - 18th October 2024 by sending details to ICDRA secretariat through email : support[at]icdra2024[dot]in
  • Meetings may be scheduled for a maximum duration of 2 hours.
  • Side meetings must be concluded within the scheduled time.
Side Meetings
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